I love children’s picture books. In fact, I’ve read over 500 of them, and I’d like to share the fun with you! So every week there’ll be new reviews on this site! (Be sure to add me to your RSS feed reader…)

Yes, I’ve written professionally myself, including articles for Salon, Wired News, and Helium.com. But when it’s finally my time, I enjoy reviewing the best of the best children’s picture books. I’m a big fan of illustration, and I love the big colorful pictures. I’ve also written two children’s picture books of my own — and if you keep reading this blog long enough, I’ll tell you about them!
But for now, let’s stick to sharing stories about our favorite children’s picture books. And that means you, too. If you have a favorite children’s picture book, feel free to send me an e-mail at
reviewland@hotmail.com . Even if you just have a good story about your favorite book or author, I’d love to hear from you. And let me know if you’d like to try writing your own reviews for this site!
This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship…
1 Comment
A premier Navajo weaver has given me permission to use one of her
weavings in my fictional picture book, which will be published in the
spring. In other words, she thinks enough of my handling of Navajo
culture and folklore to allow me to use her weaving. She has exhibited
in the British Museum of Art and the Smithsonian…..Once my book is
available, may I submit it to you to review? At that time, I would need
a mailing address. Thanks.